Saturday, July 26, 2008

Running Health Benefits

By Bhadresh Bundela

Running is a fabulous workout to condition your body. It serves as the perfect remedy to get rid of your flabby abs and shed those extra pounds on your body. Not only it helps in fastening your weight loss program, but also it helps to overcome aging problem and thus makes you look ten years younger. For weight management, there can undoubtedly be no better choice than to go in for running. Read further to explore information about the running health benefits…

Running prevents the bone and muscle loss that takes place, as a person grows older. In the present times, people are leading such an unhealthy lifestyle that they virtually have no time to workout, to strengthen their body and to keep fit. And that tends to become a major reason for weakening of muscles and bones, thus leading to aging. It is here, where running helps to play a major role in strengthening your body muscles and keeping you in shape. And one of the main advantages of running is that it doesn't require you to spend long hours, as one has to do in the gym.

The list of benefits of running is not yet over. Running closes the gateway for diseases like breast cancer, heart stroke, diabetes, hypertension etc, thus protecting you from the clutches of these ugly problems. It keeps your blood pressure in control and helps a great deal in minimizing the risk of heart attack. Not only that, it also helps to improve your immune system, thus enabling your body to fight against various types of diseases. So, run regularly to ensure your health fitness.

Long Distance Running Tips

Here are some long distance running tips:
• If you aim for long distance running, then it is advisable not to run too fast at the initial level. Rather, you should run your first few miles at a slow pace.
• If you want to get faster, then run two to three times per week at a faster pace. But, if you'll try to run at a steady pace every time, it won't really help you in becoming a good runner.
• If on some day, you feel tired or lazy doing fast running, then there is no harm going in for slow pace running. Rather it will help to restore your energy, to perform a quality workout the next day.
• Experts who lay down guidelines for long distance runners always suggest that you should drink plenty of water throughout the day whether you are feeling thirsty or not.
• There is a need to give your body a minimum of two days rest, so as to charge up your energy level for the next workout session. Prefer taking rest on the next day of your long running.
• When it's the time to start off your new season running workout, focus on increasing your mileage base, rather than going in for fast pace running.
Running Tips For Beginners
Here are some running tips for beginners:
• The first and foremost advice for those who want to start off with their beginner running workout is that, don't try to gain most in a short span of time. Give yourself adequate time and maintain a slow comfortable pace, because if you try to overdo, you might end up getting injuries or body aches.
• At the initial stage, your focus should be to get yourself adapted to the running routine and then gradually make an attempt to build up your stamina.
• Beginners guide to running recommends that you should shop for a pair of good running shoes that are appropriate for your feet, because if your feet start aching or start suffering from some problem, you might have to pay a heavy amount for that.
• At the initial level, prefer jogging rather than going in for running because then you might end up getting exhausted in a few minutes. If you become breathless that indicates you are running too fast, so avoid that.
• Avoid going in for low carb diet, because then running would become very hard for you.
• Drink a glass of water in the morning before going for your running session and not only that it is preferable to carry a water bottle along, while going for running.

Run To Lose Weight

Running serves as an excellent workout choice to lose weight and keep in shape. It helps a great deal in getting rid of your flabby abs and achieve a beautiful body that you had always craved for. In fact, today, health experts also recommend running for weight loss. The results won't be magical but definitely far more effective, when compared to other forms of physical workouts. Running about 25 to 30 miles per week leads to a loss of about 2800 calories.

You don't need to necessarily go in for fast pace running to lose weight. Rather, focus on long distance running at a slow pace, to fasten your weight loss program. People tend to diet to shape up their bodies, but it is definitely not a good idea to control weight. In fact, on the contrary, it is advisable to forego the very thought of going on a diet and rather make an attempt to run to lose weight. So, lose weight by running, because that is a healthy way of managing your weight and also it will ensure the glow on your face.